Eteron Ex.14 Kye(系)
Water and electric circuits infinitely circulating in their own systems made of discarded everyday objects 2024 80 x 100 Inch (2 x 2.5 m) Kye (系) is an artificial ecosystem comprised of everyday objects. Within Kye's self-contained ecosystem, water and electric circuits intricately interconnect and circulate endlessly. The core of this artwork lies in maintaining equilibrium, ensuring no overflow or depletion of water throughout its circulation. Achieving this necessitates real-time communication among the objects utilized in the artwork. Termed as an ‘object-oriented orchestra’ or ‘orchestra of everyday objects,’ these everyday items interact with their neighboring counterparts, making real-time decisions without a central conductor. This decentralized form of communication brings equilibrium to the entire artwork on a macroscopic level, ultimately creating an independent circulating ecosystem named Kye.
The arrangement of objects in Kye often serves as logical circuits. Given Kye's need for water to flow under pressure and electricity to flow without short circuit risks, the visual placement of objects in the artwork must be reasonable without violating scientific principles. Consequently, Kye, comprised of numerous ‘reasonable connections,’ forms clusters of logical circuits, in other words, a computer. Amidst the plethora of works categorized as media art, Eul’s 'computer,' crafted from mundane objects without reliance on specific programs or artificial intelligence, highlights that our intricately connected society can itself function as a 'computing device' or 'single organism' driven by the pursuit of sustainable circulation on a macro scale. This once again blurs the line between singular and plural, exemplifying Eul's concept of 'Eteron.' |